The "Tools" to help you.......
A major tool recommended by Riding Safely is the HSE's Health and Safety in Small Businesses.
Check out the 10 actions small businesses must take to ensure they meet health and safety law.
More equestrian specific is "Health and Safety in Horse Riding Establishments" produced by the Health and
Safety Executive after consultation with the British Horse Society and the Association of British Riding Schools. A comprehensive
document, it covers everything from horse behaviour to legal duties. First published in 1993 it does now require revising
as some of the legislation discussed in the document has been superseded resulting in changed requirements.
HS(G) 105 - Health and Safety in Horse Riding Establishments - ISBN 0 -7176 - 0632 -5 priced at £8.50 available from HSE Books. (Note: It is understood that this book may now be out of print and no longer available)
More recently The British
Horseracing Board has published the third edition of the manual “Health and Safety in the Racing and Breeding Industry” which can be downloaded and is free. Whilst focussing on racing and breeding it is sufficiently generic to be
adapted to any area of the horse industry.
(109 pages - published 31 August 2004)
A good place to start is with a free leaflet from the Health and Safety Executive -- An Introduction to Health and Safety - INDG259(rev1). This is one of the new breed of well written leaflets from the HSE that covers most of the subjects from managing health
and safety through to a sample policy statement and risk assessments. Have a look and see how well your business shapes up
against it.
Note: If the above documents fail to open when you click on the above link you may need the free Adobe® Acrobat® Reader®. Document download time over a 56kps dial-up connection may take about 3 minutes - be patient!
Coming next - how good is your safety policy?