This page contains in depth reference information and resources that are used to inform (but are not necessarily
included in) the content of the published pages of Riding Safely. It may be of interest to students, those
with a deeper professional safety interest or to those who simply want to learn more!
Note: some of these documents are in the form of PDF files, which can be viewed with the Adobe® Acrobat® Reader® available free. Document download times over a 56kps dial-up connection may take up to 10 minutes for 100 pages+.
Farmwise - Your essential guide to health and safety in agriculture HSE MISC165
HSE has developed this free interactive software to help farmers
carry out a comprehensive health and safety assessment of their farms and to raise the levels of health and safety awareness
in the industry. It is aimed at all farmers (regardless of whether you employ anyone) and farm managers who are responsible
for health and safety.
EDUCATION of healthcare professionals, organizational
representatives and individuals including emphasis on public awareness;
RESEARCH to better define injury patterns and risks,
efficacy of safety measures and equipment, and assistance in equipment design;
A RESOURCE of experience and expertise to be shared and utilized
for the benefit of equestrian safety.
ASSISTANCE to riders injured in any equestrian activity.
Equine Law and Horsemanship Safety - A resource for horsemen, lawyers and law students. This site contains comprehensive resource materials on equine law and
horsemanship safety. It is hosted by the Tarlton Law Library of the University of Texas School of Law. Both the legal
and horsemanship materials are suitable for use by law students, lawyers, and the general public.
Animal Welfare
Find out more about how Australia, which has already suffered many of the safety isssues currently being exprienced in the UK, has come up with solutions.
Charity and Voluntary Workers
Does Health and Safety legislation apply to volunteers working for charities? - HSE advice
2. Promotion of Volunteering Bill, as amended - Amendments to be debated in the House of Commons.
3. Debate in the House of Commons 16 July 2004 - Hansard Transcript (note - at the end of each page click on the link to "next section". There are several pages of amendments before
reaching the debate which was 3 hours+).
Child Protection
The Protection of Children Act 1999: A Practical Guide to the Act for all Organisations Working
with Children
"We have not set out in this guidance simply to reproduce the words contained
in the Act itself or in its accompanying Explanatory Memorandum and Regulations. Rather, we have tried to make the guidance
as practical as possible. We hope therefore that it is written in a style which will enable all organisations to understand
what this Act achieves and how its provisions impact on them and how, when properly applied, these provisions will significantly
add to the protection of children." John Hutton – Minister of State
Computer software to help Equestrian Centres
Computer software designed specifically for equestrian centres that may assist with day to day and longer
term business management is available.
The Data Protection Act and The Freedom of Information Act
Further information on The Freedom of Information Act:
Disability Discrimination Act (DDA)
Electrical Safety
Health and Safety Executive (HSE)
Recommended "Essentials"
Background Information
Basic Regulations
Health and Safety Regulation - Statutory Instruments
Industry specific Health & Safety Guidlines
The British Horseracing Board
has published the third edition of the manual “Health and Safety in the Racing and Breeding Industry”.
(109 pages - published 31 August 2004)
Horse Industry Joint Research & Strategy
(Published by Defra (the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs)
March 2004)
Compensation Culture: Exploding the Urban Myth
The Better Regulation Task Force report "Better Routes to Redress" looks at the controversial issue of the "compensation culture" in the UK. The report considers how those with a genuine
grievance can secure appropriate redress efficiently and effectively, whilst ensuring the system is not clogged up by spurious
(48 pages - published May 2004)
Improvement in Liability Insurance Markets
Press Release 23 June 2005 -
The liability insurance markets are showing improvement according to a follow-up study published by the Office of Fair Trading (OFT).
Low Flying Military Aircraft
Magazines & Periodicals
Ragwort is an injurious weed that causes liver failure and death to animals that consume it.
Risk Management
Road Safety and Bridleways
Provides an internet based database of national routes suitable for horse riders. These routes take advantage of bridleways
and quiet lanes throughout the UK and are accessible to the entire equine community.
Safety Culture
The Health and Safety Executive commissioned this research to identify the barriers to worker involvement in health and
safety activities in the workplace and identify the types of incentives that would encourage greater participation.
For whatever reason you're making a trip, spending a little time on the planning of your journey can save time and
make things safer for you and your horse.
Online maps are available from Multimap, Streetmap, The Ordanance Survey and Google. The Google Maps have the additional advantage of being able to search for any goods or services along your route.
So finding a petrol station, restaurant, bank or even saddlers is easy!
Finally help is at hand from the Highways Agency with Traffic England, a website that gives real time traffic information on all major routes (if you have time to check before you leave on your
journey), but more importantly details of impending roadworks when planning your journey. Real time traffic information
is also available from Vauxhall - TrafficNet.
UK Equestrian Related Organisations
Working Horses in Harness
This leaflet covers the extraction of timber using horse and chains (snigging), or horse and simple skidding units and
forwarders in forestry and other tree work. You can use this leaflet, as part of the risk assessment process to help identify
the controls to put in place when using horses in a woodland environment.
Reports are published which pull together data on the prevalence
of zoonoses in humans, animals and food. It is hoped that this will be especially useful to the professionals who deal with
zoonotic diseases. The reports also seeks to give the non-specialist an insight into zoonoses, their prevalence and importance.
(Source: defra)
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