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Riding Safely

Useful Links

Other websites that may help riders, horse owners and equestrian businesses 

Lead industry bodies providing extensive equestrian links


British Horse Industry Confederation useful links page at:  http://www.bhic.co.uk/useful-links.php

(Whilst on the web site do take time to familiarise yourself with the role and work of the BHIC and do sign up for their newsletter)


Defra Horse Gateway horse industry links page at: http://archive.defra.gov.uk/wildlife-pets/pets/horses/links.htm

(Also see Defra’s “Horses - Gateway to equine issues in Government” web page at:  http://www.defra.gov.uk/rural/horses/



A - Z  Guide
Association of British Riding Schools - ABRS
Links to information discussed by Riding Safely at the ABRS Conference on 16 October 2006 http://www.ridingsafely.net/abrs.html


Australian Government - Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation - http://www.rirdc.gov.au/programs/hor.html#Key%20program



British Horse Society http://www.bhs.org.uk

·        British Horse Society Midlands (East and West Regions) http://www.bhsmidlands.org.uk/

The British Grooms Association (BGA) http://www.britishgrooms.org.uk/index.html




Electrical Safety

Related HSE Information

·        Electrical Safety and You - http://www.hse.gov.uk/pubns/indg231.pdf [64kb]

·        Shock Horror: Safe working near overhead power lines in agriculture - http://www.hse.gov.uk/pubns/indg389.pdf [120kb]

·        Working safely near overhead power lines - http://www.hse.gov.uk/pubns/ais8.pdf

Related Scottish Power Energy Networks Information

·        Farmers Booklet - http://www.sppowersystems.co.uk/safety/pdf/farmers_booklet.pdf [6.1Mb]

·        Agricultural Risk Assessment - http://www.sppowersystems.co.uk/safety/pdf/risk_assessment.pdf [4.4Mb]





·       The Laminitis Clinic                                                            http://www.laminitisclinic.org/index.htm

Low Flying

·        MOD - Low flying home page http://www.mod.uk/DefenceInternet/AboutDefence/WhatWeDo/AirSafetyandAviation/LowFlying

·        MOD - Avoidance Policy  http://www.mod.uk/DefenceInternet/AboutDefence/WhatWeDo/AirSafetyandAviation/LowFlying/AvoidancePolicy.htm





·        Horse and Hound online http://www.horseandhound.co.uk/

·        Horse & Country TV http://www.horseandcountry.tv/





·        Pet and Animal Portraits by Kaye Law  www.kayelawportraits.co.uk





·        British Horseracing Board (BHB)  www.britishhorseracing.com

·        British Racing School  www.brs.org.uk


Risk Assessment & Management

·        Association of British Insurers - Living With Risk - Risk Management and Insurance Advice for the Voluntary and Community Sector - http://www.abi.org.uk/BookShop/ResearchReports/VCS%20booklet%20Aug%2005.pdf#search=%22ABI%20Living%20with%20risk%22



UKPonies  http://www.ukponies.com/index.htm  - a website that offers good quality concise information to both beginner and  experienced riders.

If you would like a link to be considered for inclusion on this list then send an e-mail including full details of the site and link to Riding Safely.

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