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Details of everything to do with eventing safety - reports - accidents - preventative initiatives - research...


20/03/10 - FEI will train officials to improve eventing safety »

Eventing officials from developing nations will be paired with counterparts from top eventing nations to learn good safety practice in a new training programme launched by the International Equestrian Federation

Source: Horse & Hound    


11/01/10 - United States Eventing Association:  VIDEO: Dr. David Marlin: Leg Protection for the Event Horse

At the 2009 USEA Annual Meeting and Convention, British Equine Scientist Dr. David Marlin delivered three well-attended presentations, one of which addressed leg protection and the research done on cross-country boots. He explained about the risks event horses face, most specifically to the lower forelegs and the superficial digital flexor tendon, when substandard boots are used.

Watch the video presentation (full screen recommended) »


Eventing accidents and safety news

A chronological record of accidents, riders and horses injured or killed, research and eventing safety initiatives.



British Eventing safety information

Ü Find out about British Eventing’s safety initiatives, safety pages, frangible pins and much more at http://www.britisheventing.com/page.asp?section=0001000100020022&itemTitle=Safety

The Equestrian Federation of Australia (EFA) safety information

Ü The safety page of the EFA with information on participant safety, risk management and insurance.  Find it at:  http://www.equestrian.org.au/default.asp?MenuID=EFA+Services%2F11755%2F0%2CRisk%5FManagement%2F11727%2F367%2CRisk%5FManagement%2Fc11727%2F367%2F0%2CParticipant%5FSafety%2F11727%2F368%2F

Ü Safety for Horses and Riders in Eventing - Following a five-year study this report is directed at the policy-makers in equestrian sport. Until this project began, the Equestrian Federation of Australia (EFA) collected no information on the sport of eventing. There was no central database of competitions, starters, results, falls or injuries. The findings provide a useful source of information when policy-makers look at future rule changes, as they will provide comprehensive data about risks of horse and rider falls, as well as correlations between jump types and the risk of falls.

A report for the Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation by Raymond A. Cripps and Denzil O’Brien - Flinders University - March 2008.

Read the report at:  http://www.rirdc.gov.au/reports/HOR/08-027.pdf

Ü Monitoring Falls During Eventing - Establishment of a national surveillance system to monitor injury to riders and horses from falls during the cross-country phase of eventing in Australia.

A report for the Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation by Raymond A. Cripps and Denzil O’Brien - Flinders University - December 2004.

Read the report at:  http://www.rirdc.gov.au/reports/HOR/04-171.pdf

United States Eventing Association safety information

Ü The page of the USEA Safety and Equine Welfare Committee. Find out about eventing safety measures Introduced in 2008, safety documents/forms and important safety links at:  http://useventing.com/education.php?section=safety

Ü The eventing safety page of the FEI at  http://www.fei.org/Disciplines/Eventing/Pages/Safety.aspx

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