Give me sunshine......
Yes, summer is finally upon us. Equestrianism is principally about being outdoors, so anyone involved, particularly
those who work in the industry are likely to have a greater exposure to the sun than the majority of the UK population.
I don't like stark warnings, but I don't want you to be one of the 40,000 new cases diagnosed or one of the 2000 people who
die of skin cancer in the UK each year. This month, I was going to write something about protection against the risks
of ultraviolet radiation from the sun, but the latest Health & Safety Executive bulletin
Skin at work: Outdoor workers and sun exposure has already done the job for me!
Australia are well versed in protection against the sun and something that we don't always take into account here
-- heat stress. These topics are covered in their industry code of practice* (sections 13/14)