June 2004
I recently heard anecdotally about someone working on a yard who got into serious
difficulties in a stable. Her screams for help went unheard because the "yard" radio was incredibly loud with the volume
control cranked up to maximum. I thought no more of this until I was tacking up horse in a stable at a large well-known
BHS riding school. Within the area of the stable block was a "yard" radio with the volume cranked up to maximum.
I didn't have a problem, but if I did my calls for help probably wouldn't be heard over the high noise from the radio.
If you do have a radio on your yard it's sensible to ensure
- the volume is kept to a level where people shouting on the
yard can be heard
- if it's a mains powered
radio it's in a location away from the weather, water and animals
- that its casing and mains
lead in good condition and not damaged
The above information provides a practical solution.
In reality, the person in charge of the yard or premises will need to assess
the risk and decide whether radios are acceptable and where and under what circumstances they may be used.
They must make it clear to employees/clients that mains powered electrical equipment cannot be brought on to their premises and
used without their prior agreement. The safety policy must outline the arrangements for portable electrical equipment
(anything with a plug and cable that can easily be moved around) and include details of how the equipment will be maintained
to ensure it is safe; achieved through "testing and inspection". This of course applies to portable radios.
In the next few months, I'll be explaining the requirements relating to electrical
safety and what you have to do.......