New Helicopter Hotline Goes Live
Following an announcement from Ivor Caplin, Under Secretary of State for Defence, a new freephone advisory service for members of the public
enquiring about low flying
military helicopter activity went live from Tuesday 1 March 2005.
The number to call is 0800 51 55 44 from 0800 to 1700hrs, Monday to Friday. During British Summer Time the hours will be extended
until 2000hrs.
Mr Caplin said he was delighted to introduce this new advice line "The Ministry of Defence takes seriously its responsibilities when conducting essential low flying training.
This new freephone service demonstrates
our commitment to improving communication with the public on this issue."
The service will provide daily advice on planned low flying military helicopter activity in the relevant Low Flying Areas, including confirmation of whether low flying helicopter
training is taking place and
information on the expected number of helicopters planning to operate.
These forecasts will be valid at the point of issue, but members of the public should be aware that all military helicopter activity may be subject to change at late notice because
of altered weather conditions or
operational requirements.
This new advisory service has been introduced as part of an MOD review of low flying military helicopter training. It responds to one of the recommendations made by the Louth &
Spilsby District Coroner, who held the Inquest into the tragic death of Heather Bell in June 2003.