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News about people associated with the horse industry...

01/13 - All change at the BHS

Lynn Petersen takes over from Graham Cory as Chief Executive of the British Horse Society.  Graham was Chief Executive for eight years and leaves to persue a PhD.

Lynn, who was formally Chairman of the BHS is superseded by Claire Aldridge.


24/09/07 – UK: Chairman of British Riding Clubs dies

It was with much sadness that the Trustees of the BHS and the members of the British Riding Clubs National Executive Committee learnt that Laurie Punnett died on Thursday 23 July.

BHS Chairman Patrick Print said "Whether it was as a Trustee of the BHS, Chairman of the BRC NEC or Chairman of Gower Riding Club, Laurie's commitment was total.

 “In his element as a cross-country controller, witty and informed in the commentary box and totally dedicated as 'chef d'equipe’ for his wife Sarah, Laurie put his heart into the Riding Club movement, earning the respect and affection of all those who reaped the benefit. I will not be the only one mourning the loss of a very good friend today."

Source:  British Horse Society


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