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Details of equestrian publications

Equine Industry Welfare Guidelines Compendium

This third edition reflects the significant changes in animal welfare legislation as well as improved scientific knowledge of welfare issues.


Whilst previous editions were used extensively in supporting welfare investigations and legal proceedings, the new edition is designed to assist anyone responsible for the welfare of horses, ponies and donkeys in meeting their obligations under the new welfare legislation in England, Wales and Scotland.


NEWC Chairman and Head of Welfare at Redwings, Nicolas de Brauwere MRCVS, says: “The Compendium is designed to underpin the Codes of Practice for the Welfare of Equines by providing a greater level of detail and information to enable people to understand how they can best meet the needs of the equines under their care.”


The Compendium was funded, written and produced by the industry, with the full support of Defra and HRH The Princess Royal.  It has been made available to the public for no more than the cost of postage. Uptake so far has been very strong, in particular by equine educational institutions such as the vet schools.  The industry is keen to also see the Compendium in the hands of horse owners and others responsible for the day to day care of equines.


President of BEVA, Chris House said, “The Compendium is an excellent tool as a reference to assist in raising equine welfare standards nationwide.”


For your free copy of the Compendium, download here or contact NEWC on: 01926 866655 or by email: info@newc.co.uk


More about NEWC… The National Equine Welfare Council was set up in 1977 with the aim of uniting the equine welfare industry and raising welfare standards nationwide.


It now has a membership base of over 60 welfare organisations, including equine welfare charities large and small throughout the United Kingdom as well as a multitude of organisations from the equestrian and veterinary sectors of the horse industry.


Its work includes support for small welfare organisations, making representations to Government and advising individuals. It also produces a Code of Practice for those organisations involved in the keeping of horses, ponies, asses, mules & donkeys and supports members by providing up to date information, running annual seminars and representing them to Government and other bodies.


Member organisations include involved in the keeping of equines can be relied upon to achieve excellent standards of care for their animals. Many operate loan schemes whereby horses and ponies go out on loan to inspected homes whilst remaining the property of the charity and being protected for the rest of their lives.


Visit www.newc.co.uk for more information.


Responsible Re-homing’ and ‘Cutting Cost without Compromising on Welfare’ are two leaflets that have been produced by NEWC in response to the high number of requests for help that our members are receiving from horse owners struggling financially across the UK.  The leaflets have been produced as a result of collaboration between members of the National Equine Welfare Council.


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